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Laundry Bag | White | 正價


使用 Yes Studio 的這款洗衣袋成為洗衣嚮導,非常適合那些離家出走和需要額外幫助來自己洗衣服的人! 超大的袋子可以輕鬆容納一周的洗滌,並且可以輕鬆攜帶到洗衣區。 印有去除 8 種常見頑固污漬的方便指南,這款麻袋將確保您再也不會有粉紅色的白色或咖啡色的上衣!

Be a laundry wizard with this Laundry Sack from Yes Studio, perfect for those moving away from home and who need some extra help with doing laundry on their own! The extra large sack will easily fit a week's washing and will make it simple to carry to the laundry area. Printed with a handy guide to removing 8 common stubborn stains, this sack will ensure you never have pink stained whites or coffee stained tops again!