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促銷 | Manicure Set | Black Splendour

HK$250 HK$499
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這款 Ted Baker Blue Cadet 美甲套裝由各種美甲設備組成,非常適合確保您的指甲始終整潔靈動。 包括指甲剪、鑷子、指甲刀、銼刀和角質層整形器在內的 5 件物品都裝在一個人造皮套中,上面印有“Ted Baker London”標誌。

Consisting of a variety of nail equipment, this Ted Baker Blue Cadet Manicure Set is perfect for ensuring that your nails are always tidy and smart. The 5 items, including nail scissors, tweezers, nail clippers, file and cuticle shaper are all enclosed in a faux leather case, which has the ‘Ted Baker London’ logo on it.


尺寸: 8 x 12 x 2.5 厘米
重量: 160克

Dimensions: 8 x 12 x 2.5 cm
Weight: 160g