Flask | Brogue Monkian
產品簡介: 這款 Ted Baker 的時尚不銹鋼燒瓶設計優雅,在人造皮革的包裝上展示了 Monkian 印花主題,綠松石葉子上點綴著黃色香蕉和正在狩獵的灰色猴子! 保溫瓶最多可容納 500 毫升熱或冷液體,並配有按鈕閥,帶有可拆卸倒杯,是上班旅行、公園野餐或週末外出的完美伴侶,是送給有眼光的男士的完美禮物,尤其是父親節或任何特殊場合。
Elegant in style design, this sleek stainless steel flask from Ted Baker showcases the Monkian print theme on a leatherette wrap, featuring turquoise leaves laden with yellow bananas and grey monkeys on the hunt! The thermos flask can hold up to 500ml of either hot or cold liquid and has a push button valve. With a detachable pouring cup, it is the perfect accompaniment for travelling to work, a picnic in the park or a weekend away and is the perfect gift for a discerning man, especially for Father’s Day or any special occasion. |
規格: 產品尺寸: 26 x 6.5 x 6.5 厘米 重量: 33 克 容量: 500 毫升
Specifications: Item Dimensions: 26 x 6.5 x 6.5 cm Weight: 33 g Volume: 500 ml |