AQUA PRO+TECH | Multi-purpose Sanitizing Wet Wipes for Pets | 50Pcs Set
產品簡介: 多功能消毒滅菌寵物濕紙巾(1盒50片獨立包裝) AQUA PRO+TECH PETCARE系列特別調配寵物友善配方,能為環境瞬效消臭;同時,系列也包含AQUA PRO+TECH獨家的APT+超強離子™滅菌液成分,有效殺滅99.99%細菌病毒,為毛孩瞬間除臭,抗菌力強,經測試證實不刺激皮膚及眼睛,吸入安全及入口無害。 適用於寵物皮膚毛髮日常清潔消毒、寵物食具消毒、外出回家後作身體潔淨消毒、寵物廁具除臭潔淨等。 AQUA PRO+TECH PETCARE多功能消毒滅菌寵物濕紙巾,採用優質無紡布製成及獨立包裝,柔軟堅韌,每塊濕紙巾均充滿PETCARE消毒液,淨味除臭,殺菌潔淨毛孩身體及用具。 產品特性:
AQUA PRO+TECH PETCARE Series is specially composed of pet-friendly formula, which can rapidly deodorize the environment. In addition, the exclusive active ingredient APT+ions™️ of AQUA PRO+TECH is proven to be effective in killing 99.99% of bacteria and viruses that can instantly remove odor and kill bacteria. Furthermore, it is tested to be non-irritating to skin and eyes, and safe for inhalation and oral intake. The PETCARE liquid is suitable for daily use on pets, such as sanitizing pet hair, pet utensil, and the whole body after going out, as well as deodorizing pet toilets, etc. AQUA PRO+TECH PETCARE presents Multi-Purpose Sanitizing Wet Wipes for Pets, which can instantly deodorize with reliable sanitizing power. Using high-grade and non-woven fabric soaked with PETCARE sanitizing liquid. CHARACTERISTICS:
規格: 材質/成份: APT+超強離子™ 使用方法:可直接噴於寵物的皮膚及毛髮、日常用品、食具、廁具等等,無懼觸及眼耳口鼻,不用沖洗。 注意事項:僅限於外用 有效期:為確保最佳產品品質及效果,請於最佳使用日期前使用。 保存方法 : 請放置陰涼處,避免陽光直接照射。 Specifications: Material/Component: APT+ions™ How To Use: It can be used directly to air, household stuff, clothes, toys and the whole body of pet. We don’t need to rinse with water after application, and it does no harm to pet’s eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Caution: For external use only Expiration: Recommend using before the specified expiry date. Storage: Store in a cool dry place, and away from direct sunlight |