Online Sale
促銷 | Mermaid - Narwhal Tape Dispenser
產品簡介: 包裝和製作簡直沒有比這更好的了。 我們友好的獨角鯨在您的辦公桌上看起來很可愛,並配有全息藍色膠帶,可以分配到您需要的長度並安全輕鬆地切割。 Wrapping and crafting simply doesn't get better than this. Our friendly narwhal looks adorable on your desk and comes complete with holographic blue tape which can be dispensed to your required length and cut safely and easily. |
規格: 產品尺寸: 14.4 x 7.6 x 9.9 厘米 重量: 113.3 克 材質/成份: 塑膠 Specifications: Item Dimensions: 14.4 x 7.6 x 9.9 cm Weight: 113.3 g Material/Component: Plastic |