A5 Notebook | Splendour
產品簡介: 使用Ted Baker這款時尚的A5筆記簿為你的文具添加一點新元素。 這款筆記簿的封面採用夢幻般的Splendor圖案,總共192張單行頁,封面及書脊上均有金色的Ted Baker壓花標誌。 從桌上到辦工室或教室,這款潮流文具非常適合做筆記,製作清單和記下想法。 Update your stationery collection with this stylish A5 soft touch notebook from Ted Baker. Featuring the dreamy midnight floral Splendor pattern on its cover, the lined notebook includes 192 pages, a colored ribbon page marker and the Ted Baker logo embossed on the spine. From your desk to the office or classroom, this on-trend stationery piece is perfect for taking notes, making lists and jotting down ideas. |
規格: 產品尺寸: 14.2 × 21 x 1.9 厘米 材質/成份: 紙張 Specifications: Item Dimensions: 14.2 × 21 x 1.9 cm Material/Component: Paper |