Pocket Multi Tool Pliers
產品簡介: 你將找到與鑰匙扣一樣小的終極微型實用工具! 這款多功能工具包括配有鉗子、刀子、銼刀和兩把螺絲刀,可以在戶外活動中進行冒險。 而這工具以黑色不銹鋼採用緊湊型鑰匙扣外形,意味著它外型細小,可放入口袋中,然後折疊成一對鉗子。並貼心地配有一個堅固的不銹鋼夾子,用於掛在腰帶上。 鈦塗層鋼工具在使用中不會彎曲或斷裂 在精美禮盒中展示出它成為真正紳士的理想禮物。
You'll find the ultimate miniature utility as small as a keychain! This versatile tool comes complete with pliers, a knife, a file and two screwdrivers for adventures in the great outdoors. And the tool comes in a compact keychain form factor in black stainless steel, meaning it's small enough to fit in a pocket and then fold into a pair of pliers. And thoughtfully comes with a sturdy stainless steel clip for hanging on the belt. Titanium-coated steel tools will not bend or break in use. Presented in a beautiful gift box it makes the ideal gift for a true gentleman. |
規格: 產品尺寸: 3.4 x 8.4 x 0.6 厘米 包裝盒尺寸: 8.7 x 5.9 x 1.6 厘米 重量: 0.08 公斤 (含包裝) ; 0.05 公斤 (不含包裝) 其他: 用濕布擦拭乾淨作日常保養 (不要使用工具進行電氣工作)
Specifications: Item Dimensions: 3.4 x 8.4 x 0.6 cm Package Dimensions: 8.7 x 5.9 x 1.6 cm Weight: 0.08 kg (with package) ; 0.05 kg (without package) Others: Wipe clean with a damp cloth for daily maintenance (do not use tools for electrical work) |