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Mino Ware | Fukuraku Sake Bottle | 5Pcs Set | 正價
產品簡介: 美濃燒是日本最著名的傳統陶器之一。從安土桃山時代到江戶時代初期,隨著茶道的普及,陶器體現了茶道大師的品味。那個時期製作的這種風格的陶器被稱為美濃桃山燒。 Mino ware is one of the best-known Japanese traditional potteries. During the years from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the early years of the Edo period, pottery reflected the taste of tea masters as tea ceremony grew in popularity. The pottery of this style made in that period is called Mino-Momoyama ware. |
規格: 產品尺寸: 清酒瓶:5.4 x 高 13.2 厘米 材質/成份: 瓷器 其他: 可用於微波爐和洗碗機
Specifications: Item Dimensions: Sake bottle : 5.4 x H 13.2 cm Material/Component: Ceramic Others: Can be used Microwave and Dishwasher |