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W+W | Shot Cup Paddle Board | 正價



使用 W+W 的這款 Shot Cup 槳板套裝,在您的下一次聚會中成為最多的主持人。 不銹鋼槳配有山毛櫸木手柄,可容納四個酒杯。 它也非常實用,因為它的可折疊伸縮手柄在不使用時將杯子固定在適當的位置,因此不佔用空間,可以輕鬆帶到朋友的聚會上。 派對生活的完美禮物,或留給自己,以備下次聚會時使用。 不包括霰彈杯。

Be the host with the most at your next get-together with this Shot Cup Paddle Board set from W+W. The stainless steel paddle comes with a beech wood handle and holds four shot cups. It's also very practical, as its foldable retractable handle keeps the cups in place when it's not in use, so it doesn't take up space and could be easily brought to a friend's party. The perfect gift for the life of the party, or keep it for yourself for your next shindig. Shot cups not included.