- 當商品附有折扣優惠提示,就算是不同類別或款式商品,只要有相同的折扣優惠提示和符合折扣優惠使用條件就可享有該折扣優惠。
- 限時折扣或免運費優惠 (除特別注明指定結束時間外),一般是結束當日的 23:59 內需完成整個結帳程序才可享有該優惠。
- 訂單金額折實後滿HK$500可享免費速遞服務只適用於香港地區。
- 折扣或免運費優惠是以單一訂單獨立計算,因此不能透過合併訂單而使 2 張或以上的訂單享有優惠。
- 如折扣優惠有最低購買要求(例如,訂單金額或商品數量),則需要滿足最低購買要求才可享有該優惠。折扣優惠不能與其他折扣優惠同時使用(除特別注明外)。
- 若折扣優惠是第二件3折/半價/7折或買一送一等類似的優惠,折扣是以雙數數量計算,價高者為正價而價低者為折扣或贈送商品,如此類推。系統會自動在購物車內優惠折扣一欄中將價低商品的金額扣減。除特別注明指外,客戶需要自行將折扣或贈送商品加入到購物車才可享有該優惠。
- 每張訂單只能使用一個優惠碼。
- 優惠碼僅在有限的時間內有效,逾期無效。
- 除特別注明外,優惠碼不能與其他折扣優惠同時使用。
- 每個優惠碼只能使用一次。
- 除特別注明外,當使用優惠碼時,商品將以正價計算。
- 如優惠碼有最低購買要求(例如,訂單金額或商品數量),則需要滿足最低購買要求才可享有該優惠。
- 如有任何爭議,Monoyono將保留最終決定權。
為了使你獲得安全和愉快的購物經驗,我們列明以下的使用條款,使你更明白我們對雙方的期望。請在使用本網站前細閱下列各項條款。 使用者(「用戶」或「您」)使用本網站,即表示接受本網站各項條款。如您不接受該等條款,則應離開本網站。
本網站對於任何包含於、經由、或聯結、下載或從任何與本網站有關服務 (以下簡稱「服務」) 所獲得之資訊、內容或廣告 (以下簡稱「資料」),不 聲明或保證其內容之正確性或可靠性;並且,對於您透過「服務」上之廣告、資訊或要約而展示、購買或取得之任何產品、資訊或資料 (「產品」),本網站亦不負 品質保證之責任。您於此接受並承認信賴任何「資料」所生之風險應自行承擔。本網站,有權但無此義務,改善或更正在「服務」或「資料」任何部分之錯誤或疏 失。本網站之服務與資料是基於「現況」及「現有」提供,而且本網站明確地表示拒絕對於「服務」、「資料」或「產品」給予任何明示或暗示之保證,包括但不限 於,得為商業使用或適合於特定目的之保證。本網站對於因「服務」、「資料」或「產品」所生之任何直接、間接、附帶的或因此而導致之衍生性損失概不負責。
本網站尊重他人的任何權利 (包括智慧財產權) ,同時也要求我們的使用者也尊重他人之權利。本網站在適當情況下,得自行決定終止侵害或違反他人權利之使用者的帳號。 如果您認為您的作品被非法重製,請按我們的著作權之指示辦理。
各用戶如對此網站所提供的內容有疑問、對所載的某些資料有問題需要提出、發現有遺漏之處,或認為有關資料可以更為清楚的方式表達,請以電子郵件方式將您的意見及建議寄到 cs@easylinks.com.hk。
私隱條款 :
本私隱政策聲明應用於 MONOYONO (HK) / Easy Links Management Co Ltd (或「我們」)的客戶:
MONOYONO (HK) 竭力為閣下提供最高水平的客戶服務,其中包括保障閣下的私隱。
本公司的私隱政策對本公司在網站上收集的資訊、所收集資訊的使用及/或分享、資訊的維護作出了說明。使用本網站即視為您同意接受本私隱政策的相關規定。如果閣下不同意本私隱政策部分或全部條款,將不得使用本網站。請註意,本私隱政策僅適用於本網站收集的相關資訊,不適用於通過其他方式或從其他 來源收集或獲取的任何資訊。
本公司的私隱政策確保閣下提供給我們的資訊是安全的。為使閣下放心,以下將說明您需提供給本公司的資訊詳情以及資訊的使用方式。在未取得閣下明確同意的情況下,本公司絕不會收集有關您的敏感資訊。本公司所掌握的資訊是準確的並會隨時更新。如果閣下需要更改您的資訊,請隨時與本公司聯絡(可能收取一定的管理費用 )。如果閣下發現資訊有任何錯誤,本公司將立即刪除或更改。
個人驗證資訊 — 本公司所收集的 PII 資訊匯總
本公司將收集註冊時的自願個人驗證資訊(「 PII 」),或根據閣下明確提出的資訊請求進行收集。
本公司可能還將收集閣下的 IP (互聯網協議)位址以便通過本公司的伺服器診斷問題和管理此網站。 IP 地址是指使用互聯網時指定給您電腦的數位。閣下的 IP 位址還將用於會話中您的身份識別以及人口統計資料的收集。
在閣下使用網站的過程中,本公司可能會要求您提供電郵地址。此外,本公司可能會要求閣下在訂購過程提供下述部分或全部 PII :姓名、通訊地址、電郵地址、電話號碼以及支付機制詳情(例如信用卡詳情)。
PII 的使用與共用
全部 PII 均按照《資料保護準則》以及香港適用的其他資料保護法律法規進行保留。
本公司使用 PII 來向閣下提供有關本公司的有關資訊,向您提供相應服務並進行自身宣傳與行銷。本公司的原則是:不將任何 PII 出售或透露給任何其他機構(本公司之外的機構),除非本公司被強制要求進行此行為以防止和檢測詐騙行為。在未取得閣下同意的情況下,本公司絕不將您的 PII 出售或租賃給任何其他人用於市場行銷的目的。
但是,本公司可能會將閣下的 PII 透露給本公司的代理人和承包商以協助本公司按照本私隱政策所規定的用途使用您的資料。例如,本公司可能會選用第三方來進行市場行銷或提供客戶服務協助,或者本公司會將相關資料透露給信用卡營運商以處理支付有關事項。為了便捷交易服務,我們的第三方網上付款系統將會收集並紀錄閣下的首次付款資料,並以 SSL 加密裝置傳送至銀行作為方便您日後交易轉賬之用。請註意 MONOYONO (HK) 從不於我們的伺服器上儲存及使用您的任何資料(包括信用卡資料)。如果閣下希望 MONOYONO (HK) 通知我們的第三方網上付款系統移除您的信用卡紀錄,請在星期一至五上午 10:00-13:00 及 14:00-18:00 (公眾假期除外)致電 (852) 3905 0213 聯絡我們的客戶服務。我們將通知我們的信用卡營運商將它刪除。
本公司同樣保留基於下述目的披露 PII 的權利:
向本公司提交 PII 即視為您同意本公司已按照本私隱政策所規定的方式使用您的資料,對於接收和處理您資料的第三方對相關資料的使用,本公司概不負責。
Cookie (資訊記錄程式)
本公司使用 Cookie 技術通過您的瀏覽器將資料儲存在您的電腦中。由於 Cookie 允許網站出版商採取有用的措施(例如確認某電腦或其使用者此前是否訪問過該網站),因此許多網站都使用 Cookie 來記錄資訊。通常閣下可以更改瀏覽器設置以防止使用 Cookie ,但是如果您作出更改,有可能導致服務(和網站)無法正常運作。儲存在 Cookie 中的資訊用於識別您的身份。這樣可説明本公司進行更為有效的服務以及追蹤訪客對網站的訪問模式。
此外,在向本網站發佈廣告時(如適用),第三方廣告商或廣告服務商可能會在您的瀏覽器上設置獨一無二的 Cookie 或對其進行識別。第三方廣告商或廣告服務商對 Cookie 的使用不受本私隱政策的約束,但受他們各自私隱政策的約束。請註意,本網站的使用不得用於或針對十二歲以下之人士。
- 註冊後,將您的帳戶詳細資訊通知您;
- 將本公司的產品和服務有關資訊通知您;
- 用作新聞通訊;
- 用作促銷電子郵件。
本公司保證所掌握的 PII 按照內部安全政策以及相關法律法規進行管理,在本公司系統中是安全的。
如果 MONOYONO (HK) / Easy Links Management Co Ltd 對大部分資產進行出售、合併、兼併、控制權變更或轉移行為,或進行重組或清算,本公司將有權單方面決定將本網站上的或通過本網站傳輸的資訊(包括但不限於 PII 和其他資訊)轉移、出售或分配給相關的一個或多個第三方。
如果閣下有任何疑問或意見,歡迎在星期一至五上午 10:00-13:00 及 14:00-18:00 (公眾假期除外)至電 (852) 3905 0213 聯絡我們的客戶服務。
請註意,本私隱政策是網站使用條款及細則的組成部分,將視為您與本公司之間協議的一部分。本公司有權單方面不時對本私隱政策作出更改。修訂後的私隱政策一經在本網站公佈即視為本私隱政策的更改生效。根據更改的性質,本公司將對更改作出如下公佈:( 1 )在本網站主頁上公佈,或( 2 )如果本公司存有您的電郵地址,將通過電郵通知。但是,無論在何種情況下,隻要您在更改作出後繼續使用本網站,即視為您同意此類更改。如果您不同意本私隱政策將不時作出全部或部分更改的條款,則您必須終止對本網站的使用。
Offer Terms
Discount or free shipping offer
- When the product is accompanied by a discount offer, even if it is a different category or style of goods, as long as there are the same discount offer tips and eligible for discounts, you can enjoy the discount.
- Limited time discount or free shipping offer (except for the specified end time), generally the entire checkout process is required to complete at 23:59 on the end date.
- The free courier service is available for Hong Kong only after the discounted price amount is HK$500 or above.
- Discounts or free shipping offers are calculated on a single order basis. Therefore, it is not possible to make a discount for 2 or more orders by merging the orders.
- If the discount has a minimum purchase requirement (e.g. the order amount/the number of items). You will need to meet the minimum purchase requirements to enjoy the offer. Discounts cannot be used at the same time with other discounts (unless otherwise noted).
- If the discount is ‘The second piece 70% off / 50% off / 30% off’, or ‘buy one get one free’, the discount is calculated in double digits, the higher price is the regular price and the lower price is the discount or gift, and so on. The system will automatically deduct the amount of the lower priced item in the discount section of the shopping cart. Unless otherwise stated, customers are required to add discounts or gifts to the shopping cart to enjoy the offer.
Promotion Code Usage Restrictions
- Only one promotion code can be used per order.
- The promotion code is only valid for a limited time, invalid if overdue.
- Promotion code cannot be used with other discounts at the same time unless otherwise stated.
- Each promotion code can only be used once.
- Unless otherwise stated, when using the promotion code, the item will be calculated at a regular price.
- If the promotion has a minimum purchase requirement (e.g. the order amount/the number of items), customers are required to meet the minimum purchase requirements to enjoy the offer.
- In case of any dispute, Monoyono reserves the right to make the final decision.
Terms of Service
All content and materials, the art design, browsing links and software programs in this website are owned by "MONOYONO (HK)" ("This Website") and are protected by copyright. Any person who has not obtained prior written permission from This Website is prohibited from reprinting, distributing or using any content or materials on This Website.
Terms and Conditions of Use
In order to give you a safe and enjoyable shopping experience, we have set out the following terms of use to make you more aware of our expectations of both parties. Please read the following terms and conditions before using This Website. By using This Website ("User" or "You"), you accept the terms of This Website. If you do not accept these terms, you should leave This Website.
The copyright and/or trademark rights and/or intellectual property rights of the entire content of This Website (including all images, text, video, photographs, illustrations and their design, selection and arrangement, and not limited to this scope) are owned by This Website or authorized use and protected by relevant laws.
Delivery Policy
The ownership of the products ordered by the customer will be delivered to the customer when the supplier sends the goods, and the risk during the delivery of the products will be borne by the courier company.
Disclaimer statement
This website does not represent or warrant the correctness or reliability of information, content or advertisements ("Materials") contained in, through or linked to, downloaded from, or from any service related to the website ("Service"). In addition, This Website is not responsible for quality assurance for any products, information or materials ("Products") that are displayed, purchased or obtained through advertising, information or offers on the Services. You hereby accept and acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any risks arising from your reliance on any of the Materials. This Website has the right but not the obligation to improve or correct any errors or omissions in any part of the Service or the Materials. The services and information on this website are provided based on "situation" and "available". And this website expressly disclaims any express or implied warranties of "Service", "Material" or "Product". This included, but not limited to warranties of commercial use or a specific purpose. This website is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the "Services", "Information" or "Products".
This Website encourages you to use our search directory when you browse the internet. This search directory may lead you to sites that some consider being offensive or inappropriate. This website is not responsible for reviewing the content of the websites listed in this catalogue. Therefore, this website is not responsible for the correctness of the content, the ownership of the copyright, or its legality or legitimacy.
This website respects any rights of others (including intellectual property rights) and also requires our users to respect the rights of others. This website may decide to terminate the account of the user who infringes or violates the rights of others in appropriate circumstances.
If users have questions about the content provided on this website, or about some of the information contained, and need to ask for any omissions, or think that the information can be expressed in a clearer way, please email your comments and suggestions to cs@easylinks.com.hk.
Order Retroactive Period
All disputes about the order, including but not limited to: lost parcels, missing goods, defective goods, etc., must be proposed within 30 days from the date of the order. The Company has the right to refuse the dispute beyond the time limit.
Privacy Clause
This Privacy Statement applies to customers of MONOYONO (HK) / Easy Links Management Co Ltd (or "we") :
Protect your privacy
MONOYONO (HK) strives to provide you with the highest level of customer service, including protection of your privacy.
The Company's privacy policy describes the information collected by The Company on This Website, the use and/or sharing of information collected, and the maintenance of information. By using This Website, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to some or all of the terms of This Privacy Policy, you will not be allowed to use This Website. Please note that This Privacy Policy applies only to information collected on This Website and does not apply to any information collected or obtained by other means or from other sources.
The Company's privacy policy ensures that the information you provide to us is secure. In order to reassure you, the following will explain the details of the information you need to provide to The Company and how to use the information. The Company will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent. The information held by The Company is accurate and will be updated at any time. If you need to change your information, please feel free to contact us (may charge a certain administrative fee). If you find any errors in the information, we will delete or change it immediately.
Personally identifiable information - PII Information collected by the Company Summary
The Company will collect voluntary Personally Identifiable Information ("PII"), or collect information according to your request clearly.
The Company may also collect your IP (Internet Protocol) address by the server to the diagnosis of The Company's problems and manage the site. The IP address is used to specify the use of the Internet to your computer's digital. Your IP address will be used for identification of your session and to gather demographic information.
In the course of your use of the Website, The Company may ask you to provide the e-mail address. In addition, The Company may ask you to provide some or all of the following in the ordering process PII: Name, mailing address, email address, telephone number and details of payment mechanisms (such as credit card details).
Use and Share PII
All PII in accordance with "Data Protection Guidelines" and other Hong Kong applicable data protection laws and regulations reserved.
We use PII to provide relevant information about The Company to you, to provide you with appropriate service and self-promotion and marketing. The Company's principle is: do not sell or disclose any PII to any other body (bodies outside The Company), unless The Company is forced to carry out this behavior to prevent and detect fraud. In the case without obtaining your consent, The Company will never sell or rent your PII to any other person for the purpose of marketing.
However, The Company may your PII will be disclosed to The Company's agents and contractors in order to assist The Company in accordance with the use of your information purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. For example, The Company may choose to use a third party to carry out marketing or customer service assistance, or that The Company will disclose information related to credit card operators to process payments related matters. For convenient trading service, our third-party online payment system will collect and record your first payment information, and SSL encryption device sent to the bank transfer as easy to trade your future use. Please note MONOYONO (HK) never on our server storage and use any of your information (including credit card information). If you wish to MONOYONO (HK) inform our third-party online payment system to remove your credit record, please at 10:00 to 13:00 or 14:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) to (852) 3905 0213 contact our customer services. We will notify our credit card operator will remove it.
The Company also reserves the right to disclose PII is based on the purpose of:
Disclosure under applicable law;
Disclosure requirements of the Government (or any type of legal institutions, government agencies or quasi-government agencies, local authorities or the Internet Protection Agency);
Be disclosed pursuant to valid legal procedures or programs;
To protect the rights or property of The Company, This Website and/or other users of This Website;
PII submitted to The Company you agree to our already use your data in the manner prescribed in This Privacy Policy, for receiving and processing of your information to third parties to relevant information, The Company is not responsible.
Cookie (Information recording program)
The Company uses technology Cookie from your browser information stored on your computer. Because Cookie allows website publishers to take effective measures (such as a computer or a user confirm whether previously visited the site), and many websites use to record information Cookie. You can usually change the browser settings to prevent the use of Cookie, but if you make a change, it may lead to service (and the site) is not working. Information stored in the Cookie used to identify you. This description of The Company for more effective service and track visitors to the site access mode.
In addition, in advertising to This Website (if applicable), third-party advertisers or advertising service providers may set a unique Cookie in your browser, or to identify it. Third-party advertisers or advertising service providers use to Cookie's not bound by this privacy policy, but bound by their own privacy policies. Please note that use of This Website shall not be used or for minors under the age of eighteen.
E-mail pieces
Please note, we may send an email to you based on the following purposes:
As part of the service. For example, The Company (or possibly you) send e-mail messages to you some of the following circumstances:
- After registering, your account details to inform you;
- The Company's products and services related to information to inform you;
- Used as a newsletter;
- Used as promotional emails.
However, we may send marketing or promotional e-mail, The Company will provide you with the cancellation (or unsubscribe) choice.
Security and retention
The Company guarantees the hands of PII in accordance with internal security policies and relevant laws and regulations are managed in our system is safe.
For information between the website and/or transmitted by the user, although The Company will take precautions to protect, but may not prevent third parties from unauthorized access to such information, it could not prevent the transmission process due to negligence resulting in leakage of such information. The presence of such risks when users agree with This Website to communicate.
Transfer specific environment
If MONOYONO (HK) for the sale of most assets, merger, consolidation, change of control or transfer behavior, or reorganization or liquidation, The Company will have the right to unilaterally decide on this website or information transmitted through This Website (including but not limited to) the transfer to PII and other information, sold or assigned to a related or more third parties.
Customer Service
If you have any questions or comments are welcome at 10:00 to 13:00 or 14:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) to (852) 3905 0213 contact our customer service.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
Please note that this Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions, and will be treated as part of the agreement between you and The Company. From time to time The Company is entitled to unilaterally make changes to this Privacy Policy. Privacy policy revised upon the commencement of this website is deemed to change this Privacy Policy. According to the nature of change, The Company will make the following changes announced : (1) published on our homepage, or (2) if The Company there in your e-mail address, will be notified by e-mail. However, no matter under what circumstances, as long as you continue to use this website after the change is made, you are deemed to consent to such changes. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy will be made whole or in part from time to time to change, you must terminate your use of This Website.