Online Sale
促銷 | Fridge Magnet Frames & Pen
產品簡介: 用這些寶麗來冰箱磁鐵框架和筆裝置您的家,包括六個寶麗來經典邊框形磁性相框和一個黑色幹擦記號筆。在每個快照的底部寫一個標題並將它們貼在冰箱上! Customize your home with these Polaroid Fridge Magnet Frames & Pen. Includes six Polaroid classic border shaped magnetic photo frames and a black dry erase marker. Write a caption at the bottom of each snap and stick them to your fridge! |
規格: 產品尺寸: 1.5 x 12 x 15.7 厘米 重量: 113.4克
Specifications: Item Dimensions: 1.5 x 12 x 15.7 cm Weight: 113.4g |