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Online Sale

促銷 | Hair Ribbons In Pouch

HK$150 HK$299


這款五個Ted Baker的髮帶為您的馬尾增添時尚氣息。寬大的髮帶堅固耐用,沒有金屬部件阻礙或拉扯頭髮和各種顏色,包括玫瑰金,閃光和裸粉色天鵝絨。



Add a stylish twist to your ponytail with this set of five Hair Ribbons from Ted Baker. The wide textured hair ties provide extra hold while being strong and durable and with no metal parts to snag or tug hair and come in varying colours, including rose gold, glitter and nude pink velvet.

Presented in a clear front pouch with branded gift tags, these fashionable hair ties would make a the perfect present and are a great accessory to any outfit whether on your wrist or in your hair.



尺寸: 10 x 12 厘米



Dimensions: 10 x 12 cm