Online Sale
促銷 | Cat Selfies
產品簡介: 用這些搞笑的自拍道具讓你的貓難堪。 黑幫或女王,用竹棍上的 14 個有趣的道具來匹配你的貓朋友的個性,然後迅速離開。 包包含一個羞辱板和擦拭標記,因此您可以揭示您的毛茸茸的朋友一直在做什麼。
Embarrass your cat with these hilarious selfie props. Gangster or queen, match your feline friend’s personality with an array of 14 funny props on bamboo sticks, then snap away. Pack contains a shaming board and wipe off marker so you can reveal what your furry friend has been up to. |
規格: 產品尺寸: 18 x 30.8 x 3 厘米
Specifications: Package Dimensions: 18 x 30.8 x 3 cm |